This long journey started last summer with these little Corriedale mini batts that I washed, dyed and then spun.

I spent fruitless hours trying to learn how to Navajo ply so I could do justice to my hand dyed colors.

Then, while cleaning off my coffee table last night, I spied this copy of Spin Off in which Abby Franquemont, in an excerpt from
Respect the Spindle, demonstrates plying techniques and something just clicked.

In minutes I had my mini batt singles chain plyed into something
almost acceptable. I say
almost because the yarn is not dry or knit into a sample and I certainly don't want to anger the yarn gods with my lack of humility. My last few samples came out looking like Curly Sue on a very bad hair day.
I am still waiting for my copy of Respect the Spindle to arrive. There is a Ravelry forum dedicated to seeing who will be the last to receive their pre-ordered signed copy. I ordered mine in October. Abby has had tons of issues getting the copies out and since fiber folk are the nicest people on the planet there is not a single snark in any of the 3293 posts. Amazing. My little sample proves that this must be a book certainly worth waiting for. And waiting for. Only now the wait has become even harder still.