Sunday, May 15, 2022

Second Sleeve Syndrome


I have to admit that those itty bitty sleeves for the mini Advent sweaters are a slog. They are  so fiddly. I'm going to do two at a time from now on in hopes of avoiding that SSS thing that always slows me down. That's side by side knitting, not two on one needle. I'd have to be on some serious drugs to attempt that level of fiddleyness. 

I also got one more square of Audun completed yesterday. I'm running out of what I would consider "nice" colors and am going to have to hold my nose and get a bit wild and crazy from here on out with all those cute little balls of acrylic I have. 

This one, the one that Arne and Carlos made, is actually pretty wild. I need to get over my self and think outside the crayon box. In this case I think it pays to get crazy. 


  1. So cheerful!! Are the squares like Granny Squares?

  2. What size needles are those sweaters on? 0 or 1? I know what you mean about fiddly. Not long ago I was working on a project on size ) dpn's with lace weight yarn. It about drove me nuts. Thankfully it didin't take long.
    I do ike those squares too and as with most traditional square type afghans, the wilder the better!

  3. You can totally go random and wild with that crochet - that's what those afghans were all about!

  4. I always find the second part of anything a challenge to finish! Love that blanket!

  5. Good Morning! I've been having trouble posting on your blog lately and can't figure out why. Help!

  6. It's a funny thing how looking at the whole instead of the individual blocks makes such a difference! Go for it!
