Sunday, May 23, 2021

It's a Mystery


Back in January I was digging through the fiber stash and all I could find that was worth spinning was this mystery fiber. I don't know what it is or where I got it. 

I have barely touched any of my spinning toys since the last Tour and it was a real challenge to get this finished. Happily, it's not the kinky mess I thought it might be. 

It's actually behaving very nicely considering all the trouble I had. 

It will become another pair of thermal mitts that will be perfect for fall. It has only just barely hit 90 here this weekend and I'm already looking forward to cooler weather and shorter days. 


  1. It it so pretty. I'm really having problems dealing with the heat and humidity here. I did some sleuthing and have discovered that it's most likely caused from the medication that I'm on for my back. Not sure where to go with that since it really seems to be helping my back a lot.

  2. Such a beautiful color, very spicy looking. Well done.

  3. Nice to have it end well with the newly spun yarn!
