Thursday, April 21, 2016


Two plain gray socks finished at last.

 They are huge man socks. They took forever.

 I am donating them as a part of the Harry's Hundred campaign over at The Ravell'd Sleave. Now I need to find an organization that wants them.

Speaking of huge and gray, here is Hoover napping on the deck. He was inches away from my sock photo shoot and didn't move a muscle. That's one cool cat.


  1. Your socks look great! I imagine by the end you were ready to be done with grey though.

    What a sweet looking kitty. Hoover knows how to CHILL!

  2. Congratulations on finishing a pair of man socks. I made three last year and it was incredibly tedious!
    Hoover is so, so cute.

  3. I have to find a Harry's hundred donation place here too. I have some to donate. I want to participate. Love a sleeping kitty. Love love love them

  4. Your socks are wonderful, it will be a great tribute to Harry's 100.

  5. Men's socks do take forever...I've only made three or four pair because of that very reason. Hoover is a very cool name for that very cool cat!

  6. Man socks are the worst - but I'm sure they will keep someone warm and happy!

    Hoover is very handsome!
