Friday, April 12, 2013

Shame On Me

In the past few years I have shown off many lovely handknits that have come off my needles intended for myself. So what am I wearing almost everyday? Pretty much a pile of unraveled string, that's what. I have been looking at those dropped stitches for months now on my favorite comfy but moth eaten pullover. I say this figuratively not literally, there are no real moths involved because this is only acrylic. Pure laziness is what created this problem.

 Update: A few days after I wrote this post, I did finally sit down and pick up those dropped stitches. I secured the edge so hopefully it won't happen again. It had gotten so bad that I was actually knitting the yarn from this sweater into other projects. For real.


  1. I have those jobs that stare me if the face... I feel so much better when I've done them though. My problem is that I always have other stuff to do! x

  2. Hi, have you seen this?

    1. Love it. I'll be spending lots of time there!

    2. Oh my...I just say my post featured. Blush.

  3. it's a good think know one sees what I wear around the house.

  4. Everyone should have one piece of clothing they love that much!
