Saturday, April 6, 2013


At last. She is done, she is dry and she is big. Much bigger than I thought she would be.

 She is also very pretty.

It was certainly not a lace pattern for those not terribly experienced in the sweat inducing intricacies of knitting lace. There was a lot of marker shifting and crazy decreases that required a fair amount of swearing. The pattern however, was well written-both the charted and the line by line directions. I love, love, love sideways construction because just when you are tired of it all, you begin to decrease and before you know it, it is all over.  Plus you don't get that kind of creepy "spine" down the middle from all the triangular increases. Love.

I am still dumbfounded by her size. That ball of yarn was small. Very small. I wish I had weighed it.

I guess all the pretty holes add a lot of space. In any case, she is ready for parading about the Howard County Fairgrounds on May 4th and 5th. See you there!

You can read all about her details on Ravelry here.


  1. She is so beautiful! What a great job you did!

  2. A comment from Creating With Wool that I deleted by accident due to chubby fingers on the little Kindle keyboard:

    I love's so pretty!! And that's coming directly from one of those not terribly experienced in knitting lace people you spoke of. I nearly lost my mind doing the Holden. LOL
