Wednesday, March 13, 2013

End of the Line

 This is it. The last ball of willy-nilly spun Corridale leftovers. The second sleeve is nearing completion and I am feeling a bit sad about it.

It is the end of a fiber era. I only have a few bags of some yucky quality locks left of that giant fleece I washed and dyed so long ago.

I know there are only a few weeks left until this year's MD Sheep and Wool Fest and I will more than likely be bringing home another little bag of fun-but this particular sheep, whoever you may be, will always be special.


  1. All those bright colors make me happy! :-) They remind me of the Rainbow Bright dolls my daughters had when they were little.

  2. Awwww I cannot wait to see it finished. Ive loved it from the first

  3. It is bittersweet to see something so beautiful end. But the sweater will be a cherished reminder.I love those big needles you are knitting with.

  4. hope you take a picture wearing it. so bright and beautiful you should take a balloon ride in it!

  5. So beautiful, I can see a dyeing experiment, stash busting of the handspun on the horizon xx
