48 hours ago we had our very first little bit of snow. Tonight it was all rain. It gave me a bad case of the knitting blahs. It's too warm for wool.
The group was small. I can't blame people for staying home. It was hard to come out on a night like tonight.
One brave soul was making the cutest baby hat ever. I need a baby to make one for. That is NOT a hint to any of my kids. A stranger will do just fine.
A very pretty thumb gusset was being knit.
A tiny bag was beginning to take shape.
My pile of projects just lay there in a heap most of the night. As much as I want to get these ancient things off the needle, I just wasn't feeling it. I've got a three day weekend coming up and I am planning to knit my little fingers off in front of the TV. These boring old things WILL be done. No excuses.
I'm still waiting on snow - it's suppose to come tonight, but it's still raining at the moment