The Yarnspinner's Tales Podcast group on Ravelry is doing an April spin along focusing on locks. Here are some Merino locks I washed last summer.

I have slowly but surely been spinning from the bag of locks all winter but I am not happy with the results. I was never really sure of what I was doing. There is little information out there on the process, so I was making it up as I went.

The Yarnspinner herself, posted a You Tube video here to show how it should be done. The first thing I noticed was how clean her locks looked. The fiber slipped past itself with little effort. My locks were still a bit too sticky so I took the chance of giving the last remaining few another bath. First I pinned them in net to hold their shape.

Then I gave them a good soak in very hot water. I used a wool scour-Kookaburra Scour to be exact.

Right now the locks are drying. It will be a few days before I will be able to tell if there will be any improvement. In the meantime, I am going to keep studying that video.
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