Once the shoveling was done there was not much to do last week so out came some of the old projects that were in need of a little attention and I re-discovered how much I liked them. I had to ask myself why I put them away in the first place and then I remembered that I HAD A JOB. It was just too easy to forget that I spend most of my time somewhere else than the place I really want to be. Sad isn't it?

Besides the flower garden English paper piecing quilt, I made a quick rummage through the stash and had fun passing a stormy afternoon warping up something rather ugly on the loom. No matter. It was just trash stash. I'll figure out a way to put what ever it turns out be to some good use.

I also re-energized my will to spin by dusting off those old batts. The little bit of sparkle I added by carding in some Firestar last summer is making me happy. Very happy.
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