Sunday, February 12, 2023

Socks on a Super Sunday


It's Superbowl Sunday here in the US which means it's a day for cooking all the things. All I hope to accomplish today is maybe another loaf of soap and some time with my many sock projects. In spite of everything going on around here I am happy to say I did manage to get a few inches on all of them this week. Peppercorn Static is my early morning knit. I can only handle dbl points when I am wide awake and alert anymore. 

The Arne and Carlos Lofotens keep me company while I cook dinner. They each take a turn in my apron pocket while I keep an eye on what's on the stove. 

Sunset Felici has been going everywhere with me and I mean everywhere. The Mister thinks I'm crazy to take them along when we are only going a few blocks but a round is a round and it adds up.

The poor handspun socks have received the least attention this week. I was turning the heel but since it's in a basket over in the spinning corner I forget about it. It's seen little action since the battle of the bathroom began. 

I know Musselbrugh's not technically a sock but it really is just a big toe up sock if you think about it so I am including it here. I'm past the increases-hallelujah. 

And....this is Friday's soap. It's Lemongrass and Bergamot.  Once again those pointy pitchers made a thready mess of my pretty colors so they are being retired. I'm going to have to figure out a better way to plop and drop in those colors if I want to be able to see them

While it's a miss on the single bars, the butterfly effect you get from two together is quite stunning. It always tickles me to see this when it happens.

 Yesterday I made some Honey Lemon soap and I kept it simple. Very simple. Yellow and white. Dump and run. That's it. That's all you need when it smells this darn good. 


  1. Yum lemon. Cheryl aka seajaes

  2. You must have higher standards than me-- I think all of those soaps look beautiful! And I know from personal experience how nice your soaps are to use.

  3. The honey/lemon is one of my favorites! I think the colors look nice in the bars here! Definitely a win! Great job on knitting on all of the socks!
