Friday, September 2, 2022

Friday Fluff


This was the fluff that got all the attention this week. 

It's what I've been making the thrums for the thrummed mitts out of.

The Mister went sailing the other morning and I had some quiet time to figure out the fiddly thumbs. 

I managed to get one finished and the other one started. Now I have to wait until The Mister finds somewhere else to go for the day to get it done. Fiddling with thumbs always makes me grumpy and I try to spare him from the fall out. We have enough to squabble about anymore. Today is the day the people are coming to put in the new door...and I bet that's not going to be pretty. 


  1. Those thrummed mitts are beautiful. I can only imagine how fiddly they are to make though. I'm looking forward to seeing your new door. I'm sure it's going to be beautiful.

  2. The mittens will be so warm come winter--it's hard to picture it with the current temps! Here's hoping the building crew's work goes smoothly!

  3. Well, at least it's someone else installing the door - not you and The Mister!! LOL Your mitts are so pretty.

  4. Those are going to be so cozy come winter. Hope the door install is done in a flash

  5. I’ve never knit with thrums, but I can imagine it would be awkward. The first thumb looks great.

  6. I love those mittens, so beautiful. It will be a long time until Fall is here, maybe in December before the heat and humidity really break. Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Love the mitts! Hope the door installation went smoothly.
