Friday, June 24, 2022

New Stuff


I'm not able to get very much done with everything that is going on but I have been able to order stuff. Here is the weaving kit I ordered a while ago. It's a simple twill kit and that's probably just my speed after such a long break in between projects. 

The new baby sampler has shown up from the UK. It's a lot smaller than the first one I ordered which is a good thing since I am running out of time. This latest Grand is due in September. 

Here are the little project patterns I couldn't wait to share. I found them on 123 Stitch when I went to buy floss. 

I first saw this sheep stack pattern and put it in my cart but then I saw......

...the goat stack and had to have it too. 

The llama stack was equally adorable so it came along as well. They've got many, many other animal stacks and if I finish these, one day I'll go back for more. I can't stop thinking about the cows. 

And....for today's Pupdate, she's sitting up today and hobbling around a bit. She seems much more comfortable and didn't need all her doses of pain meds. It sure didn't hurt her appetite. They want me to reduce her diet by 30% during this time of inactivity but I'm not so sure that's gonna happen. We do like our tea and cookies every afternoon. 


  1. I adore your new cross stitch kits. The animal stacks! Oh my goodness! And the baby announcement is going to be so much fun too.
    But most important. Pup looks great! My heart is so happy for all of you. She's such a sweet looking little thing and I love her clothes. She's healing so quickly.
    Big hugs and many blessings,

  2. I have to say, 123Stitch is one of my dangerous places to visit! I love those little animal stacks, though.
    I'm so glad Pup is doing well. Please give her many many kisses from me.

  3. Fun new supplies. Pup deserves her treats , too, and doesn't need to diet while she is recovering! JMHO

  4. Glad your sweet dog in on the mend! You sure found some cute projects. I love the baby sampler. And it will be fun to watch your weaving progress.
