Remember that Santa puzzle I didn't think we'd get done before Christmas? Well, it's almost done. We've made short work of it. I guess putting it together 27 years in a row makes things a little easier.
Since this is our week off from worrying about kitchen stuff I've also been working on another holiday project. I'm putting all the Christmas photos in one album.
I started it a few years ago but never finished it. That's me ironing away on Christmas morning. I have absolutely no recollection of this toy so I suppose it wasn't something that endured. For the record, I hate ironing. Always have.
That's my step-grandfather and my grandmother, Meme. She was the undisputed Queen of Christmas. She lived and breathed for it and rather appropriately left us on Christmas morning. It might have been fitting for her but it sure but a damper on the whole thing for me for many years after.
The little house I raised my kids in. We had more White Christmases back then. They are pretty rare now. Snow of any kind is pretty rare these days.
I got a big laugh out of this one. Look at the tree. It's in the playpen. I had a home daycare in that little house way back then and I suppose it was safe from little fingers that way.
Mom and Dad. I sure miss them. Nothing is the same or as good without them especially the holidays. I bought some holiday themed washi tape and I'm using it to keep the photos in their plastic pockets because they were slipping and sliding around.

How about a big laugh? Yep. That's me thinking I'm hot stuff heading out for a New Year's Eve party a very, very long time ago in the age of Big Hair. All I remember was that the next day I had the worst hangover I've ever had in my life. I thought I might die. To this day I keep a wide berth between me and champagne. We just don't get along.