Saturday, January 11, 2020

The Cozy Life

 The upstairs looks like this so we've been huddled downstairs while the floor guys do their magic.

 It was noisy during the sanding but for the most part it hasn't been too bad. I've got a lot of knitting done.

 It was so cold on Thursday we had to heat the downstairs using the wood stove since we turned the heat pump off to keep the dust out of the vents.

We were really roughing it. We made tea on the washing machine.  It reminded me of when we were trapped in the downstairs for a week during the big Valentine's Day ice storm back in 1994.

 Papa John's brought us pizza. It was.....okay. We can't get good pizza down here so we have to settle. At least I didn't have to cook it over the wood stove.

Ta dah.....first coat. He's coming back for the second coat today. That beat up old floor will never be perfect but at least it has a shine on it. I haven't seen that in almost 30 years. We did a lot of living on that old floor. If only it could talk.....

Speaking of lots of living, today is the second anniversary of Dad's passing. He would have loved this project. He would have been over here everyday with Mom in tow cheering us on and offering advice like they did thirty years ago when we took on the remodeling of the kitchen for the first time. The Mister and I had a quick snort in his memory this morning before the floor guys arrived. He sure loved his Canadian Mist.  His last words to me were "glass of whiskey". He wasn't much of a drinker but when he did he made it count.


  1. At least you have a cozy place to go with your woodstove and pizza delivery. Your knitting is looking great.
    Here's to the memory of your Dad. May he rest in peace.

  2. The floor is beautiful and will soon be ready for another 30 years of living and memories.

  3. Your floor is beautiful! What good memories of your Dad, good that you made a toast to him! :)

  4. Daddio is still cheering you on! The floor looks fantastic - and I'd take an old worn floor with character over a new one any day.
    We have Dave's grandma's old pine dining set, and it's full of nicks, and dents and all the marks that come with raising a family over 40 years. I want to give it a light sand (just to remove the old, cracking shellac), and varnish it again, sealing in all that wonderful history.

  5. Roughing it gets harder the older we get! You are making a good go of it! Hard to believe your dad has been gone for two years...memories help.

  6. Yep - that's definitely camping but with the conveniences. The floors look wonderful! What a nice memory of and tribute to your Dad.

  7. What a lovely tribute to your dad. I leave a chocolate covered cherry on my dad's grave each year. I'm sure the ants enjoy it and the caretakers wonder, if they've ever noticed it. :) Hugs to you.
