Thursday, January 23, 2020

I Hope You're Sitting Down When You Read This

 I've got some kitchen news that's going to make some of you swoon. We're putting the whole thing on hold for a while until we get some of the outdoor stuff cleared up and by that I mean......

 ....wood. This is year two of the big tree removal adventure and we really need to get more of those big trees cut up and stacked before it gets too hot and buggy. We can do the kitchen anytime but our window for being able to work outside is rapidly closing-strange as that may seem to some of you.

 It was a gorgeous day yesterday. 39 degrees and sunny is perfect for outside work. The Mister split and I hauled and stacked. We got one half of one the biggest trees done and it felt good to see the bare ground where it used to be.

In case you are wondering, that tree laying on the stacked wood is yet another fallen friend that The Mister has added to the sawing queue. It's never ending. We've got dead trees all over the place. At least it won't be hard to stack this one. The other trees are on the whole opposite side of the house and up the hill. It's a long haul. Tomorrow I'm getting out the tractor.


  1. Oh. My. Gosh. I can't believe the work you two do. The way I'm feeling I couldn't carry one log let alone all of that. You are a very patient woman to go so long without a kitchen.
    Thank you for your sweet comment today on my blog. Piper means the world to me and I'm so grateful for FaceTime to keep in contact with her.
    Be careful and don't work too hard.

  2. Every time you show your wood pile, I get a physical reaction. I can feel the chopped logs piled in my seven-year-old arms. I can smell it, I can even taste the saw dust! I did a lot of hauling wood as a child.

  3. Your title really had me a little nervous, but I can understand grabbing the moment to get something outside the house done while the weather is right. Having land brings on responsibilities that often are timed by the seasons and weather - good for you for making a difficult choice!

  4. Well, since I do not like summer weather, humidity, insects, poison oak or sweating, it makes perfect sense to me to work on the outdoor project now. If we should ever get any snow, you can feel smug that the trees and debris have all been cleared and work inside. You seem to be taking it all in stride very well!

  5. A wise plan! I hope everything goes smoothly.

  6. Oh wow! You two certainly have more projects going on. Good luck with it all!

  7. And I hope you don't faint when you see my post, the first in ages. Bet working on your outdoor project felt like a real accomplishment! It's grey and rainy here and not too much fun to work outside....... Happy New Year!

  8. Yes do it when the weather is cool and there are no bugs. At least piling it up you get a feeling of accomplishment as the pile grows:)

  9. You remind me of the adage that cutting wood to burn inside warms you twice!

  10. Where do you get your energy from?? You're right though - this is the perfect time to be outdoors splitting and hauling wood. Good luck!
