Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Two Done, Two to Go

 My first handspun mitt is done.

As is my first man sock. Since I only knit on these projects when I am either knit walking the dog or sitting in the ER with Daddio, you can see how I've been spending most of my time lately.


  1. I want to see you knit walk the dog!!!!

  2. Progress is good...they look terrific but sorry for the reason for all that knitting time!

  3. I'm with Kathy, I'm blown away with the ability to knit and walk a dog. I think the ER reason sucks (there, I said it.) but I'm glad that your ER visit at least has resulted in some good looking knit work.

    The handspun mitts are really lovely and that sock is manly good. Is it tweedy? I like tweedy!

  4. I can just see me walking and knitting... not. I'd be flat on my face. Sorry Daddio is having to go to ER.

  5. Love your handspun mitt. Hope Daddio is doing better.
