Saturday, January 5, 2013

Life Interrupted

Everything was going along so well. My holiday crafting slump was all but over when out of the blue, I got run over by a virus. It wasn't just a cold. It was a COLD. I haven't been so sick since the swine flu came knocking several years ago. I am not kidding when I say that I slept in my clothes for two days in a row-I was that miserable. I am sure it didn't help that I had just watched the last two episodes of season 2 of Downton Abbey. All I could think of was poor Lavinia and the fact that I am now of the age where people die from stuff like this.

For the past few days my world has looked like this. My aching head was too heavy to lift off the pillows. My legs were too wobbly to be of any use. Hilary Clinton's concussion was not far from my thoughts either. No face plants for me, thank you very much. I was staying put. I am also not big on OTC meds so my sole line of defense was some Vicks Vaporub and some lovely soft Puffs. I went through 3 boxes.

The smartest thing I have ever done was to anticipate the need for a vaporizer. I bought it on a whim on sale at Walmart before Christmas and it was sitting in a box in the linen closet. At 3 am when I couldn't take another dry hacking breath, it was a lifesaver. The green glow and soft gurgling were very comforting.
The worst part is, besides the giant rat's nests in my hair, thanks to this miserable bug I'm missing a lot of brand new grandson cuddling time. Phooey.


  1. Oh misery. Honey and lemon and big chunk of Ginger root made into tea poor little lamb.

  2. Oh no! There's never a good time to be sick but it's especially not good when there's a cute new baby to be cuddled! Take care and get better soon!

  3. Darn cold! Take care of yourself so you can get back at it soon.

  4. drat. Colds suck the life from you for a few days dont they?

    I had one the week before Christmas. Here's hoping you are at the end of the virus. Now you have me wanting that vaporizer...
