While it's true that I can't dye fiber or yarn worth beans, I can dye locks. I have bags and bags of pretty Corrie locks waiting their turn to get cranked into the drum carder. I love locks. I really, really love them.
Of course I can't stick them in as is, so I have to take the time to open them all up into little clouds of color. I could spend all day fiddling with them.
In they go one by one, layering on top of each other like a brilliant fuzzy rainbow.
I am usually rewarded for my patience with a pretty little batt. Here it is important to know when to say when. Too much manipulation can give you a muddy mess. Trust me. I've been there and it isn't pretty.
I could keep the batt as is but I prefer to tear it into fourths and pre-draft it out a bit into little nests. That way they are ready to spin when I am.
I already have one bobbin of my little nests spun so someday soon I am going to have some crazy colored socks to show for all this fun.
Happy Valentine's Day!
I love the rainbow batts! That looks like so much fun. A drum carder is on my birthday list! I look forward to seeing the socks knitted up.