I have gotten hooked on making these cute little yo yos. They are a great portable project.

I found this little yo yo maker at Joanne's and then found one for Daddio on sale at Connecting Threads. I also bought a ton of 5 inch charm packs from them to feed my yo yo habit.

The little yo yo maker-and this is actually a large sized one-works like a little quilting hoop. You snap in a back piece to stretch the material then you snip it to size around the circle.

After you snip (and I have not snipped yet here) you simply sew in and out of the little holes, pop it off and then pull the thread to make a little pouch.

Here are some examples of what you can do with them when you have a bunch made. I found this on Yo Yo Mama, a blog for yo yo makers. You can find it here.

You can also buy yo yo quilts. I found this one on the Country Living website slideshow here.
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