I shamed myself into finally getting this done. I blocked it at midnight and then had to reblock it the next morning because the points were no where close to being even. For the record, these are the pre-reblocking photos because even after fussing with it again it looked just as uneven so I gave up.

It is a lovely pattern, but not a lovely chart to follow. I am forever grateful to Gunard for "uncharting" it for us. My only BIG regret is that I did not make this in a color I could wear to either wedding I have coming up. What was I thinking? It is Knit Picks Gloss in Aegean, by the way, and it is lovely but instead of wrapping it up and hiding it away with my bazillion other shawls, I bagged it up and gifted it to Miss Prodigy where I am sure it will get a good home. After all, if it wasn't for her, Gail would have never become a sick obsession in the first place and I am pretty sure there is another one in a different color in my future.
It's so beautiful. I definitely have to make this one!