These are NOT mine but I want a pair. I found them here.

I know I am supposed to be working only on Daughter's sweater AND that I still have several WIP's put aside to make room for gift knitting BUT I just HAD to start a pair of felted clogs for myself. Had to. That is why I bought the WOTA that I posted about a few days ago. That is for the second pair I am going to make myself. The first will be in this Paton's Classic Wool in Mercury (gray) and Black. I know I am being overly optomistic already buying MORE yarn for something I haven't even finished but I couldn't help myself. The yarn devil made me do it.
*I was so sorry to hear today of the passing of Bev Galeskas the owner and principal designer at Fiber Trends who designed this very popular pattern. The fiber world has lost an important contributor.