My Christmas apron is slowly beginning to come together. My sister solved my fabric dilemma by suggesting I use a solid as the contrast. Duh. It never crossed my mind. Then she suggested rick rack. Why didn't I think of that? It's going to look very kitschy, something your Grandma would wear mixing up the highballs on Christmas Eve-if your Grandma was anything like mine, that is.
For the record, I have to say that I hate making these things. Sewing machines and I do NOT get along. They seem to know just when my patience is at an end so they can jam up or run out of bobbin thread to send me right over the edge. I hate patterns even more. This is my third apron from the same pattern and you would think I would be able to sew it in my sleep but I am still looking at each and every step like I have never seen it before. Believe it or not, in spite of all my complaining, I have the material to make two more. I must be nuts.
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