Daughter's friends are experiencing a population explosion so of course she asked me to knit some baby things to give as gifts. This was much harder than expected. Finding patterns that were cute but also useful was a challenge. I spent hours on Ravelry looking through every pattern and comment without finding much that struck my fancy. Walking through Joanne's Fabric I spotted Chic Knits for Stylish Babies by Patricia Wagner on the book rack. I loved everything in it. Here is the beginning of the Irish Leprechaun sweater. I seriously could make everything in this book. I love it.

Over on Knit Picks it was the Baby Surprise Jacket that got the most raves from new moms so I picked up various colors of Crayon to try my hand. I also got the DVD because I've heard this pattern is not for the faint of heart.
And a DVD?! You are taking this seriously. You only have about 3 weeks to finish one of them!