This time last week I was weeping hysterically (seriously) over my defeated efforts to get a September Phat Fiber box over on Etsy. After I came to my senses I realized I could just go and make up my own box. Instead of waiting anxiously for just ONE box of fiber fun, I could get boxes of fluffy fun all week. So I did. Much to the mail lady and the Mister's dismay, I received lots and lots and lots of boxes and bags stuffed full of some rather stinky goodness. Voila:

I even got more than I bargained for because most vendors included samples of things I just have to have. Like this little Moonbeam jewel from Moonwood Farms.

Here are the adorable little Red Hot Cinnamon batts the sample came with. The only thing wrong with them is that I didn't card them myself. They are exqusite.

For a measly $3.00 I got a large bag of silk hankie remnants from Bohemian Fibers in breathtaking colors.

From one of my favorite Etsy shops I got two bags of raw fleece in these gorgeous natural colors. One is merino and the other is Rambouillet X. Both are spectacular.

I also bought a huge box of some Cormo roving that is like sticking your hand in a cloud and a raw shetland fleece that is going to be lace someday whether it wants to or not. I suppose I have to thank Phat Fiber for indirectly giving me a another month of fiber frenzy but I swear, next month
and I really mean it-that damn "secret" October email is getting deleted. Right in the trash. Cross my heart and hope to dye.