Determined as I am to make all that raw Jacob fleece come to a good end, I am almost ready to admit defeat. The yarn is incredibly itchy, nubby and still filled with bits of hay and God-knows-what. I found a dried up beetle in it yesterday. I can only imagine that wearing these socks will feel something like having razor blades taped to your feet. I was totally ready to throw them away when I thought that my little sister's husband would just love a hand knitted pair of socks like these ugly, nasty, old things to play golf in. Poor guy.
A dried up beatle? Good god. I better not get any knitted goods for Christmas this year.
ReplyDeleteI am making you a hat out of it.
ReplyDeleteOh poor Uncle J, he's going to be miserable in those razor blade socks!
ReplyDeleteWho knows, maybe wearing these beetle socks will help improve his golf game. At this point, I think he's ready to try anything.