The 8 ply twins are past the fussy heel stage.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Wednesday WIPs
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Tiny Needle Tuesday and a Little Sunlight
There was absolutely nothing very interesting happening here tiny needle-wise this week. I've been waiting for this to show up. I was going to get it started yesterday but The Mister designated it Do Our Taxes Day so nothing but that got accomplished.
Now I'm afraid to go look in the box where I keep my in-progress Chestnut. Bon Amie was just a test knit to see if my steeking will work on the main event which is this one. Chestnut may have to go from a pullover to a vest if there are more discontinued colors in that box. I can't possibly be this lucky more than once.
Monday, March 3, 2025
Claiming My Space
The big dining table is mine again. The Mister has been banished back downstairs. I did buy him a new paint by number to make up for taking his puzzle space.
Sunday, March 2, 2025
It's Too Easy Being Green
It was 60 degrees here yesterday so The Mister and I had a puzzle finishing marathon. We were both tired of looking at the ski village and I need the table for the Juki so I can quilt that big Crazy Thing. We did indeed finish the thing and I should be setting up the Juki today.
My house has now gone from Valentine's day red and pink to green. I even had to dig out my old green Crocs. What I don't seem to have are any green socks. I might need to remedy that.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
The First
Ta da....the first of the crocus blooms has appeared. There's no going back now. Spring has sprung. Even a bit of graupel, as March snow is called, won't stop it now.
Friday, February 28, 2025
Friday Fluff: Better Late Than Never
I should have done this at the beginning of winter instead of the beginning of spring but I've turned my little spinning corner into a spinning/handspun knitting nook.
Thursday, February 27, 2025
The Curse Part 2
I hate when the Wolf Pup is sitting empty. It takes up a big chunk of my living area so to justify it, I need to be using it but I'm not. The scarf that was on it is no more. I hated it, The Mister hated it so it's history.
Finally, for my 5th attempt in a week, I've decided to go back to what I know. I made this towel ages ago but never liked the colors and really wanted to try the plaid modification that you see behind it in the basket.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Wednesday WIPs
This has been a terrible week for all things crafty. It started with the broken needle and went downhill from there. I did get the heel flaps on the 8 ply twins but I'm afraid to go any further because I think I've been cursed.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Tiny Needle Tuesday
Say hej då (goodbye) to the Swedish Folk stitching project. Its month is up and I'm not exactly feeling sad about it. There was a lot more ripping out than there was stitching this week.
Ditto for the Christmas Cactus. I'll see it again next January. I had to rip out and re-stitch the top in order to get those white motifs in the right place. There's more leaves than there were last week but none of them were drama free either. I've got something new for spring on the way. Something easy. I hope.
Monday, February 24, 2025
So This Happened
There's no worse feeling than knitting along and then realizing that your stitches are no longer on your cables. I've had it happen with lace, with colorwork and now with a sock. Luckily I had another needle in the same size or I would have been a lot more hopping mad than I was.
This also happened yesterday. We spent the morning clearing all the winter debris off of all the things that are sprouting up all over the place. We've got temperatures near 50 and plenty of sun all week so it was time to see what was going on under all the dead stuff. It's a good thing we looked because there was plenty going on everywhere.
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Duck, Duck, Goose
It's been so cold here that the seagulls have been ice skating on the bay but warmer weather is on the way I hear.
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Too Much of a Good Thing
I'm not spinning as much as I used to. This has been on the Ladybug for months. I work on it every now and then with no real urgency.
Friday, February 21, 2025
Sugar Coated
We didn't get the big snowstorm they were predicting last week but we did get a dusting yesterday.
Edited to add that I did indeed buy a bigger frame as soon as I finished this post. Details to follow.
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