Knit night was loads of fun but I realized very quickly I don't have the right types of projects going that for that kind of activity. I need something pretty mindless so I can talk and have a glass of wine. Sock blank knitting would be perfect and I already have a blank dyed and ready to go. The only problem is that it is ugly. Very ugly.

I got out the Jacquard and used it like watercolor to add another coat of the same colors.

The sock blank is beautiful now but I know full well that steaming it is going to muddy and ruin the colors as they all run into each other. I didn't even soak it first and I let it dry a bit before wrapping it up but moisture plus gravity does strange things when dyeing.

Since I had all the stuff out and another undyed blank I decided to make those Halloween socks I was thinking of but too sick to make this past fall. I want them to be tweedy and I hope by leaving all the white I will get just pops of color here and there. I know from experience that those zig zags will end up as stripes. EVERYTHING always ends up as stripes of one kind or another.

My little Charlie Brown roll is ready to go into the steamer but as I said before all that steaming makes changes that sometimes is not nice. I've got my fingers crossed that one or the other will be suitable to take out in public.
Can't wait to see both of these knitted up! I have never tried dyeing but I love the idea of those sock blanks!