I wasn't sure what to make of the Crazy Zauberball that Daughter had gifted me.
A Ravelry search turned up a zillion different uses for this yarn-most of which were NOT socks.
The most popular use was with shawls as the color changes are long and not repetitive. If you are into matching socks this stuff is NOT for you. I was tempted to start a Revontuli but thought better of it. I now have 16 WIPs on Ravelry. For shame.

I really wanted socks, nice simple socks, but to add some element of continuity, I decided to stripe it with some Midnight Heather Stroll that I already had in my stash. Stripes come with unwelcome color jogs so I did some research on how to avoid them. I tried the "slip the first stitch" trick but it sure looks like I still have jogs. I am going have to keep looking for a better technique. I hate jogs.
Meg Swansen of Schoolhouse Press has the answer.... good luck! Elizabeth