Yes, that is another hospital bracelet on my wrist. It is a very good thing that I write a bunch of posts all at once and then have them posted throughout the week or I would have MIA. All those things you think I did last week were actually done the week before. I spent some time in the ER this weekend due to a SEVERELY painful shoulder that appeared at 2 am last Tuesday morning after a very enthusiastic workout with my new resistance bands Monday afternoon. By Thursday night the pain and swelling were so horrific that I took a trip to the doc's who suggested the emergency room. Of course I hemmed and hawed about going until the Motrin wore off around 4 am Saturday morning. Happily for the Mr, it was perfect timing as I had the usually busy place pretty much to myself. I left there, still in pain, but at least no longer worried about what evil things may be going on in all those nooks and crannies that surround your shoulder. The diagnosis: Bursitis, a very senior citizen sounding ailment. I can just smell the Ben Gay. It brings to mind granny in the rocking chair rubbing liniment all over herself while trying to knit up that burnt orange and avocado afghan she's been working on since 1962. There will be no knitting needles, spinning wheels, weaving shuttles or quilting needles in my near future. Just lots of making small arm circles and walking my fingers up the wall. Doesn't sound like fun, but if it stops this crazy pain I'll try anything.
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