Saturday mornings are for lace but before I could start my Flower Basket shawl I needed to wind up all those unruly skeins of my handspun. At 6 am I huddled under my beloved electric blanket and played with my new toy. Usually I wind all my handspun on toilet paper tubes but lately I have had trouble sliding the thinner stuff off. I found this wonderful handmade nostepinne on ebay for a ridiculous price and I love it. I discovered however, that I am not very good at that center pull trick. My first attempt is not very pretty but it does work. I managed to get all the way through the first chart without having to climb under the bed and free my runaway ball from a swarm of dust bunnies. This may or may not be a good thing as the only exercise I have been getting lately in this bitter weather has been chasing balls or popped stitch markers. My wear-everyday-black capri yoga pants that are waiting for spring may just have a big surprise in store.
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