Since 6 am I have been huddled in my bedroom with a small space heater, 2 little dogs and a giant bird cage. We have a heat pump and if the temperature goes below freezing the only thing we get is cold air blowing from the vents. This morning, in the Washington DC area, it was only 9 degrees which is unheard of around here. I have several projects on the needles to keep me busy but my fingers and brain are numb so I cast on some mindless socks using a ball of my green homespun that had been waiting for just the right moment. A hot cup of coffee, a warm ball of wool with the promise of warmer feet and my latest audible.com book were the perfect ingredients for surviving this miserable morning. The only problem was that my mind kept wandering as to whether to go out and buy a bigger heater and possibly an electric blanket or two or build a fire in the wood stove and wait it out the old fashioned way.
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